hahah I love that dog!
hahah I love that dog!
awsome man....hey you should make a game..I dunno like a choose your own adventure type game with clay....yea....hell you probably arent but it was worth a shot...I only need 6 more cents to get the dvd!!! S&H....but..whatever nice klaymation yet!....well ok maye second to leon and his dog...that was the funniest thing ever.......ever...
still great movie! 5/5
awsome man....yea Ill e-mail you...I got a wierd idea though....
hey were can I get the knox dvd? I have to get it off of your site?
yeah just do what it says on my site :)
1. the way you drew the character it made him look very out of proportion
2.the head was way to big..because you didnt layout the entire drawing befor going into the details
3. the hair was to was way to short
4. the eyes should be lower
5. that anger..vien thing shoud be smaller and more the the left
ect ect
that was good...the characters were....ok...but what was really impressive was the ground..the way it looked when it broke was great....thats why I gave you a 10 in graphics....but still if you spent more time on the characters then this would be one of the bests...
it was good
but the music sucked man!...Im sorry...I loved the art but..the music..........
great animation...however the grapgics were lacking..I thought...maybe if you added a bit more detail to the characters this movie would really stand a good way.
dude! that was hillarious!!! that was so funny!!
great job
nuthin important to say
Age 35, Male
artist(thats a job?)
ringling art colledge
Joined on 4/30/03